International Collection of Scientific Papers





The Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology of DonNTU



About the collection

The regulation on the collection

Editorial Board

Reviewing institute

Information for authors




The international collection of scientific papers of Donetsk National Technical University "Progressive Technologies and Systems of Mechanical Engineering" has been published since 1994. This volume brings together scientists and experts from more than 30 countries.


The Сollection of scientific papers is a special edition of scientific and technical articles which are subject to mandatory review. This collection is included in the following programs:

1. Scientific and technical articles and the results of theses can be published in the collection.

2. The compilation is available on the website of the Department of "Technology of Mechanical Engineering" of DonNTU, Donetsk, .

3. The collection includes the RSCI (Russian science citation index) database (license agreement No. 177-04/2013: 12.04. 2013) and posted on the website of the scientific electronic library (Scientific electronic library, Moscow, Russia, .

4. This collection has the international index of ISSN 2073-3216.

5. The collection is available on the website of the National Library of Ukraine named after. V. I. Vernadski, Kyiv, Ukraine, .

6. The collection is included in the list of the HAC of Ukraine (Approved by the Order of the

Presidium of HAC of Ukraine of 16 December 2009 № 1-05/6 (Bulletin of the HAC of Ukraine

, № 1, 2010)).

The articles presented in this collection must meet the following requirements.

The content of manuscripts should reflect the new achievements of science and technology in the field of engineering and their practical value, to meet the technical focus of the collection and of interest to a wide circle of specialists.

Something new and original developed by the authors and the advantage over the similar proposed developments should be concisely presented in the manuscript, their characteristics and practical significance must be described. The results of the work should not be submitted in the form of abstracts. It is the authors liability not to allow the copyright infringement, noncompliance with applicable standards and inaccuracy in the article data.  The articles submitted to the Editorial Board are subjected to a compulsory review. The Editorial

Board reserves the right to make editorial amendments in the text of the articles without concurrence of the authors and not to publish the articles that do not meet our requirements.

The manuscript languages: Russian and English.



©. Progressive technologies and mechanical engineering systems