International Collection of Scientific Papers





The Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology of  DonNTU



About the collection

The regulation on the collection

Editorial Board

Reviewing institute

Information for authors





The subject of submitted articles should be based on the problems of mechanical engineering (mechanics) and be submitted in the following areas:

1. Practice and prospects of creation and application of a progressive and innovative engineering technology. Integrated technologies. Assembly in machine building and instrument making. Abrasive and vibroabrasive technology. Hybrid and combined technologies in engineering.

2. Mechanization and automation of production processes of mechanical engineering. Progressive Equipment for engineering industries.

3. Integrated automation design, preparation and management of engineering production.

4. The problems of creation and application of advanced tools and cutting tool materials in mechanical in engineering.

5. The product quality control and technical systems in engineering.  Engineering

problems of the surface layer of products.

6. Modern problems of mechanical engineering and machine components.

7. Contemporary issues of engineering materials. Hardening technologies and

coatings of engineering products. Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies in engineering.

8. Issues of simulation and calculations of complex technological systems in engineering.

You can submit a product advertisement within the collection. It is placed after the



Scientific and technical articles presented in this collection must have the following


- statement of the problem in general and its connection with the  important scientific

 and practical tasks;

- analysis of the latest developments and publications which have begun to solve this

problem, identify unresolved issues of the general problem considered in this article;

- formulation of objectives and work tasks;

-presentation of the basic research material with full justification of scientific results,

 the formulation of recommendations;

conclusions based on the research and perspectives for further development in this




For the editorial Board to make a decision on the inclusion of the manuscript of

your article to the journal please submit the following:

• application and information about the authors of the article;

• the manuscript of the article;

• expert opinion on the possibility of publishing of the article in the press;

• all materials are sent via E-mail at the following addresses: or .



1.      The text of the manuscript is a volume of 5 to 10 pages (always full pages), A4 (210 x 297 mm) with margins: top and bottom 30 mm, and the left and right 25 mm. The pages are not numbered (numbering is to be done in pencil in the lower right corner). The manuscript of the article is to be made using the editor WinWord (version 6.0), font Times New Roman, made in accordance with the sample design, line spacing - 1,0, font 12 PT. Manuscript is to be submitted in two copies.

2. The order of the registration. Materials must meet the following structural scheme: UDC, initials and surnames of authors, academic degree and title (decrease GOST 7.1-2003), the full name of organizations and countries, phone/Fax, E-mail, title of the article, the abstract in the language of the article, keywords, main text, conclusions, list of references, two additional annotations in two other languages (c phrases, at the bottom of the first page, you must specify the copyright symbol - ©. UDC printed in capital bold letters in the upper left corner without derogating from the top of the field. On the next line right bold lowercase letters the initials and surnames of authors with scientific degrees and ranks, on the following lines – the full name of organizations and countries (comma-separated, right). On the next line in italics to the right phone/Fax number and email address of one of the authors. In one interval - the title of the article, printed in capital bold letters, without hyphenation, centered, maximum three rows. In one interval of the annotation with keywords (the word abstract is not written) bilingual font, 10 pt, italic. In one interval – the materials of the paper, font 12 pt (language – authors, line spacing 1.0). At the bottom of the first page of the article you must specify the copyright symbol - ©. Between the relevant sections of the article need to make space. (see the sample of materials).

3. Graphic material (drawings, graphs, charts) should be performed in the format *.bmp, *.gif, *.PCX, *.dwg, *.jpg with dimensions not less than 60x60 mm embedded objects (in course materials). All positions are marked on the figure should be explained in the text. The position of the figure should be clockwise. Its number and title is indicated under each picture e.g.: Fig. 3. Diagram of the device. The text of the name of the figure is grouped with a picture. Each figure should have one space on top and bottom.

4. Formulae and mathematical symbols should be clear. The indicators of the degree and the index must be less than signs, and executed in accordance with the formula editor Microsoft Equation. The formulas numbered (on the right in parentheses and not deviating from the right margin), only if in the text there are references. One interval should be between the extreme signs of the formulas and the text. Formulae are in italics.

The style of the formulae for Microsoft Equation: Full - 12 pt, Subscript/Superscript - 10 pt, Sub-Subscript/Superscript - 8 pt, Symbol - 12 pt, Sub-Symbol - 10 pt.

5. All tables should have a title and the number and placed after the reference in the text, for example: table 2. Classification of couplings. Each table should have one space on top and bottom.

6. The list of references should be given at the end of the article in accordance with DSTU GOST 7.1.62006 and DSTU 3582-97. The list of references should be compiled in order of appearance in the text. References are enclosed in square brackets. The number of bibliographic sources must be at least 5, 3 of the sources must be published within the last 5 years.

7. The file must be named by the names and initials of the authors in accordance with the work (for example: Ivanov I. I., Petrenko p. P.)

8. The materials of the manuscript are submitted without any bends.

9. Materials not meeting the listed requirements and the scope of this compilation, and submitted to the editorial Board late will not be published.



1. UDC (for Example, UDC 621.01) (positioned top left, bold, 12 pt).

2. The initials and surnames of the authors (right, bold, 12 pt), academic degree and title, then on the next line - the full name of organizations and countries (right, 12 pt), on the next line – Phone/Fax and e-mail address (on the right, italic, 12 pt).

3. Title of the paper (centered, bold, 12 pt, with a maximum of three lines).

4. Blank lines, line spacing and the font size of the article. Blank lines are between the article title above and below, the relevant sections of work (one space) and a list of references, as well as between the additional annotation at the top and bottom. Line spacing – 1.0. The font size of article - 12 pt, font size, annotation and copyright symbol - 10 pt.

5. Annotation (Abstract) (word abstract is not written). (Italic, 10 pt). The first annotation is written in the language of the article, and the second in English, if the article is in English, the first abstract is written in English and the second in Russian.

The abstract summarizes the entire article in general in the language of the article.

The abstract size is approximately 10 lines and it is in italics.

6. Key words (Key words) (reproduced 5-6 key words of the article) and in italics on the next line from the annotation. (italic, 10 pt)

7. Introduction (Introduction). (12 pt)

The introduction provides an analytical (historical) review of the current status of research subject-matter, the problem of the study is stated or shown the relevance of this study (work) is shown. Here it is necessary to specify the results of recent studies by other authors as well as to formulate the purpose and objectives of the research.

8. The main content and the results (The main contents and outcomes of the activity) . (Authors can complement the work of other sections) (12 pt).

This section sets out and explains in detail theoretical principles and practical results obtained by the authors. The suppositions and assumptions used are given; obscure terms, abbreviations, and symbols are explained. The proofs and necessary mathematical transformations are given for the theoretical positions. The methods of experimental studies, data processing methods and the results of audits of the adequacy and reliability of the results are described briefly.

9. Author’s mark. At the bottom of the first page of the article you must specify the copyright symbol - ©. For example: © Ivanov I. I., Petrenko p. P.; 2015. (10 pt).

10. Conclusion (Conclusion) (12 pt)

The findings obtained by the authors on the results are stated, examples of their practical application are provided, recommendations on their use are offered, conclusions are given and future research on this issue is indicated.

11. List of References (References). (12 pt)

The list of references should be compiled in the order of their references. The references in the text are enclosed in square brackets. The number of bibliographic sources must be at least 5, 3 of the sources must be published within the last 5 years.



Donetsk National Technical University, Department "Technology of Mechanical Engineering", Editorial team, 58 Artema Street, 283001, Donetsk, Russia, DNR

 Tel. +7 856 301-08-40.

E-mail: or





©. Progressive technologies  and mechanical engineering systems